Validate a Certificate

Updated 11 March 2024
For documents before this update,
the Rule number #3 refers the 15th.


Validation Rule:
1. NO letter "O" in the serial number, only 0 (zero).
2. NO "double-digit" in the last character of the serial number.
3.The SUM of all code value (below ex. is 2) is equal to the 6th character of the serial number.


Step 1. Find the 6th character of the serial number.
This number is the validator. In the example it is ‘2’.

Step 2. Split the serial number into 20 groups
(excluding the 6th character “2” as verifier)
& put a plus (+) sign in between like:
+(s) +(10)+(03)+(24)+(dash-)+(1)

Step 3. Set value for symbol / letters:
[A,K,U, =1], [B,L,V, =2], [C,M,W, =3], [D,N,X, =4],
[E,O,Y, =5], [F,P,Z, =6], [G,Q, (dash-), =7, [H,R =8],
[I,S, =9], [J,T, =zero].

Step 4. Simplify the group into value:
(iCG8~ 9+3+7+8 =27), (Y3~ 5+3 =8), (dash ” =7),
(S =9), (v =2), (NL~ 4+2 =6)

Step 5. Sum it up (not with the 6th character):

 = 672



Section 1. = “(1)“ – Match Format (1=Solo, 2=Duo, 3= CvC, 4=Squad)

Section 2. = “(iCG8)“ – Represents 1 of the 10 Event Codes namely: (PR0v=PRO League Scrims , (INv1=Tier 1), (H2uL=Long Haul), (InV3=Mixed Tier / Tier 3 / Scrims Qualifier), (T0U4=Tournaments), (CvC5=Clan vs Clan), (T6mS=TDM Tournaments), (V7cT=Invictus Cup), (iCG8= Open / Exclusive Clan Games), (iCM9= Clan Member Achievement)

Section 3. = “(2)“ – Validator

Section 4. = “(Y3)“ nth Year of Service

Section 5. = “(01)“ nth number of event (in a year)

Section 6. = “(dash ““)“ Serial Number Connector

Section 7. = “(535)“ – nth (file number) of certificate issued

Section 8. = “(S)“ – Organizer, host, witness, REF or Spectator code (H=Harpies, Q=Kratos, R= Ser Mark, K=Kronos, S=Athena, G=Generals, P=Polaris)

Section 9. = “(v)“ – Number of Matches (Mixed Tier=3, Tier 1=4, Tournaments=4,5,7, Long Haul=9, Proving Series=4, CvC=3, TDM=6, Invictus Cup=2,4,5,9, (not defined =v

Section 10. = “(NL)“ – Number of teams / participants, NL=No Limit, / C# =PUBGM Cycle

Section 11. = “(V)“ – Number of Winners= Top1,2,3, + MVP) =4 / Clan Games =V [multiple] / PUBG Season =S

Section 12. = “(10)“ – Total Score / (season) / MVP Kill Points

Section 13. = “(dash ““)“ Serial Connector

Section 14. = “(3)“ – Schedule, 1=Morning 10AM, 2=Afternoon 2PM, 3=Evening 8PM, 4=Late Night [LNS] (11PM), 

Section 15. = “(s)“ – Day of the Week
(M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, t=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, s=Sunday),

Section 16. = “(10)“ – Date

Section 17. = “(03)“ – Month

Section 18. = “(24)“ – Year

Section 19. = “(dash ““)“- Serial Connector

Section 20. = “(1)“ – Rank / Placement / Conqueror


It’s a one of a kind with security, purely unique in construction, and authentic.


are verifiable with downloadable original copy.

Follow these steps:
1. copy the example serial number above
2. click Verify Now
3. paste the code in the search box

sic parvis magna
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