Frequently Asked Questions & Answers


Joining is free and team reservation is hassle free. Book a reservation for your team as many as you like. Future dates is allowed and possible. However, you must have an active account and a team ID number. 
Rewards are sent 5 minutes after the scrimmage has been finalized. To do this, we need the in-game names and logo ahead of time. The team ID number contains all your team information we use for “AUTOMATED CERTIFICATE GENERATOR” and Reward Delivery (automated email sending).

             What makes our scrimmage better is not ours to conclude besides doing the best we can to achieve our goals and let our valued clients decide about us.

              Inspired by the ultimate rule of fair play, We aim to build a community with ethical players, promote esports gaming & elevate aspiring players with sincerity, honesty & teamwork. Our main objective is to serve as a training ground for all player levels to maintain responsible gaming discipline, promote teamwork, and develop gaming sportsmanship. 

We are bound by these 5 principles:
*fair play is an absolute rule not to be broken
*to under-promise but over-deliver

*protect our clients & ensure satisfaction
*uphold the truth & never compromise
*adapt & keep in progress with a simple evolution

*See the FEATURES article to learn more about what we can offer!




Invictus Esports Mixed Tier Scrimmage is supervised by a high K/D rated player with long years of experience, elite/pro level of skills, and knowledge of the game mechanics or how the game works. These qualifications are our leverage to determine what is appropriate during the contest.

*Fast & Accurate Results:
Using reliable & premium applications with a tiebreaker formula, scoring is made easy and accurate.  

Powered by 600 Mbps Globe WI-FI located in the mid-northern part of Metro Manila for a better gaming connection & experience.

*Live & Online Scorecard:
As we promote FAIR PLAY, we give transparency & available for everyone for 22 hours (entries will reset to blank/zero 2 hours before the next scrimmage).

*True & Relevant Credentials:
Certificates awarded to all winners are AUTHENTIC, coded as a one-of-kind piece of document with an anti-tampering seal, verifiable with complete details for reliability, a downloadable true copy, and kept in our lifetime cloud storage (we value everyone’s efforts and achievements, should not be in vain). To learn more, copy this code 4PR0vR101-Q0418370-36170922-1 paste & click verify, click the code to view here -> TRY IT NOW!

*24/7 Accessible Guidelines:
Keep you informed, this feature is very useful to any clan leader, admins, team captain, or team manager for team management & player discipline. (These guidelines may be updated or amended if necessary for the service, visit & read these guidelines from time to time)

*Advanced Team Booking:
Book a scrimmage for your team with ease and priority. With this feature, You may now book a scrimmage for your team in advance up to the next months or even for the whole year.

*Championship Titles Plus Cash Prizes:
see CHAMPIONSHIP article

             Unless your affiliation membership is terminated, this number is your team’s lifetime affiliation token, a team data ID number we assign for a quick assessment, determination, and easy awarding procedure. It is used to quickly pull out all team information from our database for many purposes, from induction, evaluation, awarding, and suspension, to banning.

            We intend to use a centralized database for all our valued clients to combat malpractice and exclude specific players, teams, or communities, therefore, maintaining and keeping ONLY disciplined ones within the service. This helps us protect the stability of the scrimmage and ensure our valued client’s continuous, peaceful, and undisturbed amusement without toxic behavior or gaming malpractice.

We use a Team ID Number for 2 reasons,      

(1). This number is the data set ID inside our database that contains all your team information needed for our Automated Certificate Generator to print into your document. What we do is simply input your team ID number and click ENTER, and the rest is done by software from creating to sending it to your mail inbox.

(2). Advanced booking reservations, mainly for VIP Affiliates only

                  This helps us promote teamwork & unity by encouraging team members to play on the same team roster, (teamwork is more effective with members who know each other, build chemistry, and optimize each role) therefore a team is more capable of winning.

*Changes in the team roster are NOT prohibited.
*Changes in team roster mean new team ID number.

Please consider the following:
(1.) get the team ID number ASAP before the awarding starts,
(2) send us the correct ID number to avoid different names on the certificate,
(3) If 48 hours of waiting time are acceptable, send the number late (certificates will be sent soon as we have your new team id number).

                As a leader, we keep our members active and competitive, with many teams to manage it is a hassle to provide legit & continuous scrimmage service for them. Thanks to our Team Booking feature, scrimmage reservation is easy, quick & convenient. Advance reservation for the whole week or month (or even more) we’re it! 

Click “view image” to learn more.

1. Click our service link. Look for the TEAM BOOKING menu.
view image

2. Click theWHO and choose the right host (if any event is present)
view image

3. Choose & click a Date to book. Active event dates are highlighted in the calendar.
view image

4. Choose/Click a Time for options.
view image

5. Fill in a few basic team information. 
view image

6. Click “BOOK NOW” & check everything is correct before clicking Confirm.
view image

7. If your reservation is successful, an email will be sent and you will be returned to the main MENU
view image

8. Your representative will be invited into a private event chat room for communication.

To book another date, simply do the same procedure. That’s it Quick & Easy!

              Serial numbers are complex, not duplicated, and not simple nor fake. It is coded to your certificate to NOTARIZE your document making it true and authentic. To answer this question, let us elaborate on “What makes of it?”, “What makes it valid?”,  Applications and  Purpose.

What makes of it?

            This set of numbers is a CODE, a ticket number, and a unique identification to your document. (Think of your certificate as a treasure & the serial number is the box. If the serial number is FAKE, your certificate has no value at all). It is constructed with the anticipation of future use or claim (yes, your certificate will serve you in the future). There are rules that act as security in constructing or cracking these sets of numbers 1). a character is a shadow of a character, 2). must not be a pre-mature set of characters, 3). every character is a subject.

              Because it is a unique combination of numbers, a ticket number, and a document code it must NOT be fake, simple, or can be easily tampered with nor can be easily cracked as a password. 

*see Password-Craking Test preview Here!

*Try it yourself by using A Code Validator HERE!

What makes it valid?
“Valid certificates must have 6 of the same document serial numbers.” The credibility of every certificate is represented by its own unique serial number and attested by the information listed with it. Verifiable on our website, by the host & spectator, anytime. 

*See our e-Certificate sample (PREVIEW)
(when verified) (WEBSITE SAMPLE REVIEW)



Title: Regular Scrimmage Winner
Event: Invictus Esports PUBG Mobile Evening Scrimmage
Event Number: 118 of Season 1
Event Date: 9/30/2022
Time: 8 PM Onwards
Schedule: Evening
Day: Friday
Contest: Top 3 Most Points To Win
Event Category: Mixed Tier Scrimmage
Match Format: Squad
Maximum Entrants: 21 Teams
Number Of Matches: 3 Full Matches
Rank: 1
Total Score: 65
Event Date: September 17, 2022
Team Contact: IПV。KRATOS乛markhanep@gmail.com
Players: IПV。Kronos乛, IПV。KRATOS乛, IПV。Odin乛, IПV。Horus乛,  IПV。ARES乛
Host & Spectator: IПV。KRATOS乛, Knights Of Invictus
Event Shoutcaster: Pika TV, Team Destruction Crew
Sponsor/s: Invictus Esports,
Email: invictusgeeks@gmail.com
Community: @facebook.com/groups/invictusesport

Your certificate has a downloadable version kept in our lifetime cloud storage.

Your certificate is a stand-alone document with all the details about your achievement in it. It answers “WHO“, “WHAT“, “WHEN“, “WHERE“,  or “WHY” to any verifier. The document speaks for itself.


*If you have more question/s, feel free to leave them in the comment section. Talk to Us.  Let us know how we can improve.

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Invictus Esports Mixed Tier Scrimmage Frequent Questions & Answers
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Invictus Esports Mixed Tier Scrimmage Frequent Questions & Answers
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