Validate Your Certificate

Updated 11 March 2024
For documents before this update,
the Rule number #3 refers the 15th.


Serial Number Validation Rule:
1. NO letter “O” , shall only be (zero).
2. NO “double-digit” in the last character.
3. The 6th character is the validator.
4. First character shall only be 1, 2, 3 or 4.
5. The last digit of the SUM (of all code value) is equal to the 6th character of the serial number.

Example & Procedures:


Step 1. Find the 6th character. This number is the validator, in the ex. it is ‘2’.

Step 2. Split the serial number into 20 groups, refer group definition below  & put a (plus) sign in between:

(1)+(iCG8)+(Y3)+(01)+(dash-)+(535)+(S)+(v)+(NL)+(V)+(10)+(dash-)+(3)+(s) +(10)+(03)+(24)+(dash-)+(1)

Step 3. Set value for symbol / letters:
[A,K,U, =1], [B,L,V, =2], [C,M,W, =3], [D,N,X, =4], [E,O,Y, =5], [F,P,Z, =6], [G,Q, (dash-), =7, [H,R =8], [I,S, =9], [J,T, =zero].

Step 4. Simplify each group into value:
(iCG8~ 9+3+7+8 =27), (Y3~ 5+3 =8), (dash ” =7), (S =9), (v =2), (NL~ 4+2 =6)

Step 5. Addition (exclude the 6th):

 = 672


Section 1. = “(1)“ – Match Format (1=Solo, 2=Duo, 3= CvC, 4=Squad)

Section 2. = “(iCG8)“ – Represents the 10 Event Codes namely: (PR0v=PRO League Scrims , (INv1=Tier 1 Scrims), (H2uL=Long Haul or Event Series), (InV3=Qualifier), (T0U4=Tournaments), (CvC5=Clan vs Clan), (T6mS=TDM Contest), (V7cT=Invictus Cup), (iCG8= Open or Exclusive Clan Games), (iCM9= Clan Member Achievement)

Section 3. = “(2)“ – Validator

Section 4. = “(Y3)“ nth Year of Service

Section 5. = “(01)“ event number (of the year)

Section 6. = “(dash ““)“ Connector

Section 7. = “(535)“ – file number (535th certificate issued)

Section 8. = “(S)“ – Organizer, REF or Spectator code (H=Harpies, Q=Kratos, R= Ser Mark, K=Kronos, S=Athena, G=Generals, P=Polaris)

Section 9. = “(v)“ – Number of Matches (Qualifier=3, Tier 1=4, Tournaments=4,5,7, Long Haul=9, Proving Series=4, CvC=3, TDM=6, Invictus Cup=2,4,5,9, v = indefinite 

Section 10. = “(NL)“ – Number of teams / participants, NL=No Limit, / C# =PUBGM Cycle

Section 11. = “(V)“ – Number of Winners

Section 12. = “(10)“ – Total Score / season / MVP Kill Points

Section 13. = “(dash ““)“ Serial Connector

Section 14. = “(3)“ – Schedule, 1=Morning 10AM, 2=Afternoon 2PM, 3=Evening 8PM, 4=Late Night [LNS] (11PM), 

Section 15. = “(s)“ – Day of the Week
(M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, t=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, s=Sunday),

Section 16. = “(10)“ – Date

Section 17. = “(03)“ – Month

Section 18. = “(24)“ – Year

Section 19. = “(dash ““)“- Serial Connector

Section 20. = “(1)“ – Rank / Placement / Conqueror


It’s a one of a kind with security, purely unique in construction, and authentic.


are verifiable with downloadable original copy.

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