

To maintain order & fair play within our services we have 3 Absolute Rules for everyone to follow. If these rules are agreeable, leave a comment below otherwise, we cannot let you join.

3 Absolute Rules To Follow

Rule #1 Fair Play Only & Always
           Fair Play at all times as mandated in the guidelines.

Rule #2 Respect Our Authority
           Any violation with regard to the guidelines or prohibitions is subject to disciplinary action. We may impose a penalty at any time without obligation to prove or justify.

Rule #3  Your Support Is Required
           By joining, you become a member of this community that your support is presumably required. We may demand your proof of your latest post, endgame ss, share the post, like & follow, comment, create a review, invite etc.. or all of it which do not cost you money but great help for us.

*Follow This Comment format:
“Clan Name; Team Name = Agreed”
ex. Invictus Esports; Immortals = Agreed


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