Premium Services


How to Use and How does it work?

 – (*as the name suggests) it will keep, update, and show the score of a sports contest, especially in team sports, for identifying the players by name, number, position, rank, etc… in real time.

– accurate
– dynamic
– automated
– inbuilt calculator
– an inbuilt anti-draw formula

How does it work?    
           Using 4 integrated software applications, (*plus 1 on your device) this service is capable of remote operation that synchronizes data tables from our website using a unique ID of connection. Accessible by any type of device capable of running a data table (*ei. Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets) to show transparent scoring for your esports events or competition from your device, on our website in just minutes.

How to use it?

           – activate your data table, (*some phones nowadays have already in their list of apps) if not, download a data table app (*ei. Microsoft’s Excel, but we recommend Google Sheets (*lightweight and free).

           – a link will be provided (keep this link secret) (*terms and condition applies)
           – open the link to access the scorecard, your data table is now connected to your scorecard on our website
           – now try to fill in (all the slots if you want an accurate test) any random information in the table according to its label, (*team name, rank, number of kills, etc…)(*you may close your device after you enter the data) let the software and your data table communicate (depending on your data connection between 5-10 minutes)
           – a link for the location of your scorecard will be provided (*this is your shareable link for your participants)
           – view your scorecard in a few minutes
           – recheck all data, if your test is successful (you may now share your link to the participants)

           – good luck with your future events

The scorecard only displays what’s in your data table. If you delete any data in your table it will be missing from your scorecard. Do not delete any data unless your event has been finalized.

Preview Available Here!

– to grow your social followers in a detailed and smooth flow procedure, in this way your followers know and understand why they follow you or perhaps a motivation like exclusive giveaway prizes.

– automated
– dynamic
– secure
– detailed
– integrates up to 20 social media platforms

*the program detects the task is done (there’s no other way around) and automatically brings your followers to the finishing line ONLY if all the tasks are completed.

How does it work?
– select a niche to promote (or an image
– set a prize (optional) (you don’t need to, it will still work perfectly)
*We suggest keeping the task easy and few if you don’t offer any prizes or giveaways
– make a list of tasks (you can require up to 100 tasks) like, visit, share, follow, etc…
– set an end point where your followers know they are done with the task

Share your link
*That’s it, good luck with your social follower growth. 

Preview Available Here


Yes you can edit every single element.

Yes you can edit every single element.

Yes you can edit every single element.

Yes you can edit every single element.

Yes you can edit every single element.

Yes you can edit every single element.

Yes you can edit every single element.

Yes you can edit every single element.

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